tHinGS tHAt piSs mE oFf

Things that piss me off...

9. Husbands who leave rubbish near bins, laundry near laundry baskets and the milk on the bench opposite the fridge.

8. Grandmothers who dig dirty nappies out of their garbage so they can bring them in to me on an already busy day just so I can confirm that the poos contained within are quite normal regardless of the stench.
Who does this!?

7. Television advertisements that have overweight middle-aged naked men falling from the sky, needing to be dressed and trying to learn about banking from a Maori guy in a cafe with a salt and pepper shaker.
What the ???

6. People who say they are going to do something and never do.

5. The check-out chicks at Supermarkets who insist on making comments about the items that I am purchasing. Give me the mindless zombies working tirelessly at Woolies at Tweed Centro who don't give a damn if you have a vagina on your head let alone what you're buying. I would like to shop with anonymity please.

4. Getting stuck behind a logging truck going 20klms an hour and there's nothing but winding narrow roads for the next 50.

3. NZ free to air TV. TV here seriously pisses me off and constantly lets NZ down. There's nothing but cooking shows and Shortland Street. I could almost learn to watch Coro though with a bit more persuasion.

2. Drivers who have the right of way but decide they will confusingly wave you on anyway, to which you ignore them knowing that it would be dangerous to go as this lunatic is then going to decide to go just as you do. These people need to be punched through their open car window.

1. Drive through speaker boxes and the hateful youth who speaks in a monotone mumble that makes you say "I'm sorry what was that?" three times before they *SIGH* and say "drive around to the second window please" - so you can place your order in person to a teenager who now thinks you are a mentally stunted gereatric.