05 September, 2010

MuMs tHe WoRd

Had a good chat to my Mum last night. It wasn't manic mother, or paranoid Donna, it was just good 'ol Mum. We had a laugh about a couple of silly things and it was nice to catch up with her. I remember as a kid I would cherish those rare moments when Mum was Mum and I would try not to think about the fact that it might only last a day, a week or perhaps even a month if we were lucky.
While I was listening to Mum chat away last night I was happy inside but also a little selfishly sad that I may not get to talk to her like this again for another long while. I can't remember the last time I heard her so coherent and with no hints of delusional paranoia that I conclude it was too long ago and therefore long overdue, but I expect that it was a one off. A diamond in the rough. Found and then dropped into a vast sea of sand that stretches on towards the horizon. Maybe not even in a hundred million years will I find it again. And certainly probably not before my wedding day. But you just never know...
            I will continue to sift through the sand to find the diamond once again because it is worth it.

1 comment:

Mary said...

It certainly is worth it. When well, Aunty Donna is one of my favourite people. She's such a beautiful, gentle person <3