04 March, 2011

pOppiN a MoNo

By way of my career...I like children. I enjoy their innocence and their non-judgemental company. Unquestioning happiness, even when surrounded by adult chaos.

While parroting off an onslaught of boring and repetitive and highly personal questions during a routine antenatal booking appointment yesterday (that was beginning to eat into my lunch break); a small male infant, who stood just as high as the desk I was scribing on, decided with confidence to announce while acting out the very words - "I'm Poppin' A Mono" - and indeed he was. With a unconvincing replica of a childish toy motorbike from the upturned toy basket, right there on my boring history taking...was a Mono being Popped! Several times in fact. It was just what we all needed.

I laughed. The boy laughed too but churlishly wondering what was so funny about this brilliant act of mono-popping. It was after all pure genius and not a laughing matter.

Sometimes I wish I could just harness my '4 year old' thinking for a while, just to get me over the humps.

~ Thank you - whoever you were - for Poppin' a Mono on my paper work yesterday. I am forever in your debt for reminding me to laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cherry the world is truely a better place because of you.I thank you most sincerely..SHANE:)