02 July, 2010

iT's CaLLed ReSpOnSiBiliTy pEoPle!!

Why are people so useless these days. Content to be sheep in the crowd, blame others when things go wrong but do nothing to improve my faith in the common sense of man. I think people expect too much of health professionals. People need to become parents again instead of palming off children to teachers. They also need to take good care of themselves and not rely solely on GP's and pharmacists for good health.
Babies require a lot of love and attention...so suck it up! don't just expect midwives to come and do your job for you. That's not going to help you when you get home and are faced with this little person on your own is it.
I think as a society we are falling to bits. We can no longer think for ourselves. We no longer have the ability to just live the way life was intended...spontaneously and intuitively.
Suck it up people!!

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