Guilty! - like I just used the last slice of bread to make a fascinator for the cat!
I always vowed that I would not be like 'others' who had just had a baby and suddenly either disappeared off the face of the earth, or persistently talked only about their baby to the point where I wished they would.
I now of course have had to eat my words, along with "My baby will not be needing a pacifier/bottle/formula" and "I will be able to let my baby cry it out" and "I won't be co-sleeping with my baby just because she won't go to sleep in her crib".
I have become like every new mother out there, obsessed and devoted; my Facebook page a shrine to my 'delicious' baby.
I blame the sleeplessness.
... Party until 6 am, then get up at 7am, work for 18 hours with a tiny human being attached to your breast and then repeat over the next 144 hrs and you'll be getting close to the lack of sleep you are going to experience in the first week of a new baby. I'm guessing that over the next 2-36 months you will learn to let go of sleep all together. I have.
So just short of becoming a crazed insomniac, you'll also find yourself being a paranoid git, worrying that your baby may be unwell, unhappy, under-developed, distressed, too hot, too cold or starving, and your natural instincts over-ride any rational conversation regarding anything but your baby. Parenthood creates 'baby blinkers' to make sure that you are never invited to a social gathering ever again.
So I'm going to have a day of 'baby silence' in remembrance to the life I used to have. Lest I forget.
And it turns out that you can't put them back in and/or take them back to the fertility clinic; not that I've given any thought to that or anything *Wink!
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