04 August, 2011

piNKy; tAKiNg oVEr tHe WoRLd!!


Day 1: Pinky is the newest addition to the funny farm. Justin phoned me from his father's farm yesterday to say that there was a mis-mothered lamb in the front of his Ute; in a hessian sack - if I wanted it I had to go to town to get a tub of lamb powder and then drop round and pick it up. How could anyone say no? 
When I finally got there, I mixed a bottle straight away and then opened the door of the ute to find a massive wool fadge tied off at the open end. Once uncovered, the itsy bitsy lamb just stood there looking at me confused and silent, with a bright pink nose. I picked Pinky up and took him to a piece of grass and offered him the bottle teat. Lambs are not always good at taking the bottle to begin with and Pinky was no exception. Eventually I got him to guzzle down the milk by standing backwards and leaning down over him with the bottle offered just before my knees - this way he felt like he was standing under his mother and feeding in a more usual manner. I felt like a twit and prayed no one was watching or about to question my sanity. 
So Pinky came home with me in the back of the Subaru in a large cat cage; it was a bit of a bumpy ride and even though I was going pretty slow on the winding gravel roads Pinky still got sideways a few times.
Pinky has been bottle feeding every 3-4 hrs, which is usual for a 2 or 3 day old lamb; he still has part of his umbilical cord attached. 

Day 2: After spending the night in the warm laundry with a wool blanket, he's now been upgraded to the orchard (well actually Justin evicted him ruthlessly from the laundry because the wee's and poo's were beginning to gain access to hard to clean corners) and now, all alone (except for the 5 chooks), Pinky's gone a bit sulky.
Today he hasn't drunk nearly enough, he's been extra sulky and refusing to take the bottle. He is frightened of the chickens and generally anything else that moves or makes any noise. I guess being separated from his mother is taking it's toll. Poor Pinky.
I am due to head up to the woodshed, in the pitch black, in the next 10 minutes or so to complete the last bottle feed for the night. Hopefully Pinky is feeling up to a feed. He needs his strength if he's going to take over the world.

Day 3: Pinky is feeling Super! He's scoffed down his bottle feed in record time, skipped along behind Justin who I think he has decided is his real Mother (well Justin did rescue Pinky from a certain death), and pranced around like a lamb on a mission...to take over the world... no doubt.


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