15 July, 2012

kEEp CaLM aND cARRy oN

It's been a rough couple of weeks but I'm feeling like there is hope now. Only 4 weeks until I am reunited with my beautiful husband. You can not imagine how happy I will be, but know I will be walking on water.
Nothing comes without sacrifice, and Justin and I must be due to come into some outrageously good fortune soon. A holiday is a priority. 
I won't be sad to see Dubbo behind me. We've kept the mortgage going and that's all that counts. Soon it will be a distant memory. 
If you know someone who works away from home and loved ones, either on a contract or as an agency worker; hug them next time you see them and tell them you think they are the greatest human being that ever lived. They deserve to be appreciated for their selfless sacrifices in life. I could not do this all the time. I take my hat off to those who do, and my heart bleeds for their patient and loving kin.
I am not going to want to let Justin go when I get back. I may be still hugging him a week after my return. I never want to take his company for granted ever again. 

I blog with BE Write

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